Blog Description

A little hidey hole for a lazybones to toss some random ramblings.

About Me

A girl based in UK who's too fat, too simple, too lazy and too clueless about life. Loves her family & friends, travelling, partaking in simple pleasures of life, relaxing with a good book, good movies, good food and good company. oh, and loves tim burton & johnny depp too.


Trip to Italy


Casey & Azri
Ji Xiang
Shwu huEy
Soo Ling
Squash Heaven


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Carlos Gardel
- Tango Por Una Cabeza


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Sunday, May 28

Hey, I just have to add this: I'm blogging, partially because I like to do so but I also happen to be terribly lazy. What I want to say is a HUge Thanks to Babe here--Huiqing! Coz her frequent blogging is like an inspiration for me to blog too.

It's the Great Singapore Sale!! : D I am soooo in the mood for shopping. Clothes, earrings, perfumes, bags, books, gimme gimme GIMME! *laughs* Sounds so horribly desperate. Yeah well, I am.

Met Eliza and Hui Ling on fri night for a meet-up session. Thankfully Dennis accompanied me to shop for her present on wed! (zen styled candle holder with 2 lil buddhist monks, 1 pack of peach scented candles), plus I did a card for her. *smiles* So pleased with my effort. hahahhaa... anyway, we ate, shopped and ate more on fri night. Love it! Oh, but Chocolate Indulgence at Secret Recipes..was disappointing. Should stick with Choco fudge or Cheesecake next time :P
At ard 10 after the sinful cakes, Desmond picked me up from marina sq to join the rest of them at Nomiya, Duxton rd. Drank, had fun, went home and knocked out.

I'm still awfully thankfully I start later on weekends :P i screwed up a transaction, luckily bernard didn't scold me sheepish laugh* had a weird customer who out-of-the-blue suddenly confessed to have brought in a sword from Thailand and wasn't caught by customs. HMmm... plus, he was in civil service, as some army personnel I think. Main Point of this topic: I seriously think some people who are into these kinda artifacts (swords, rifles, pistols, etc) , their brains are fried. I'm dead serious! And I recall thinking how I'll get to check out cute guys often since it's more of a guy interest. Helllooooo.... Young men? hmm.. who aren't weird? Well...few and very far between. *sigh*

My entire week's already planned.. in fact, I'm in the process of planning my June. Gotta think

Damn. Gotta share computer again. *Laughs* Nah, I'm so glad she's coming back! Missed her to atom bits... heheheh. Can indulge in my chatterbox tendencies with her at night again. Oooh, and Terrence too ---SQUASH! hahaha.. my all-time all-accomodating squash dude who doesn't mind that I play terribly. *YAY*!

jan tiptoed in at 11:11 PM

Thursday, May 25

My GM has resigned. *gasps* yeah, the rather nice guy who happened to be top GM among the asian GMs in my company. And I was out of the office in the afternoon, 'gallivanting' till I got back, just in time for him to announce his resignation. What a Shocker. Let me restart:

On Wed, yesterday, I went for lunch with my SM, Desmond (Asst. Sales Mgr) and Leonard(other dpt's salesman). After that, my SM gave me permission to hang out with Desmond on his appointments. Yahoo! *laughs* Roadrides with him is always relaxed, that's for sure. Anyway, so we even went Serangoon Garden for a short tea break of creme brulee, oreo cheesecake, and drinks... by the time we got back at 4pm.. all the surveyors and managers in my dpt were called into my GM's room. And I was asked to go in too. At that point of time, I just felt guilty for not being in the office; and he dropped the bomb. I could tell he was really shocked too, and on the verge of tears. The MD's secretary stood by and sieved through his stuff, whereby he packed and left within half an hour. *sigh*

A couple of us were actually planning on MOS that night, but changed it to Monastery- a pub, so that we can speculate more (SM, Desmond, Dennis, Michael, Leonard, Laren and me). We talked bout it, and well, stuff are too sensitive at this juncture for me to even 2nd-guess. And no point either. It Is a pity for my ex-GM. He was a great guy to work under, affable, and he really cares for the staff. Of course he has his pitfalls, which really, I won't divulge it now or here.

But what I CaN say is that we have a new GM waiting on the wings, to be introduced to us on Tuesday. He'll officially start in July, and oh, by the way, he's pulled all our profiles for a review from the MD's secretary.

I for one, expect tighter control of the department and possibly major 're-structuring' in 3-6 mths time. Stick around for the joyride, coz I can't wait to see what's next over the bend.


jan tiptoed in at 11:04 PM

Monday, May 22

Ready or not, Here I come! *roar*
haha..i feel voracious today. Why? Coz i feel quite relaxed right now. After a 'hectic-ly' fun weekend, I can proclaim that I am rested. *smiles* lemme share some bits of it.

Fri night: suppose to go drinking with the rest to celebrate our Sales Mgr's bday, but didn't -- met Alvin, Grace (his gf) and Jerome. A & J are my 1st 3 months classmates. A is also my long-lost childhood neighbour, rediscovered through a visit to my place in preparation for an economics debate. U don't wanna go there, it's a longer story. AnYWAy. Had prata at Casuarina road, and golly, are they YUmmAMicious! i mean it!! it's bloody fantastic, Thank Alvin for his great recommendation. The Egg prata was just so tasty I gobbled it up, with the thosai and murtabak. *burps* We adjourned to Swenson's at J8 for ice cream after that.. Well. Singapore IS mostly eating, shopping ain't it? Eating - Check. Shopping?

Yup! Shopping on sat! hahaha...with the same dudes. BUT. I double-booked myself. *sheesh* am I stupid or what. Luckily, my babe here, Huiqing, didn't even grumble bout it. Felt so bad for having ditched over :\ Thankfully, she managed to join us in the afternoon. So after walking & 'shopping' (i didn't buy a single thing), Jerome, Alvin and I met up with Huiqing and her sis-Eileen at PS to catch Over The Hedge. Hilarious show with great laughter scenes. Nothing heavy, just light-hearted, non-brainy comedy. Left the theatre and couldn't remember half of what the movie screened. *laughs* Told u it's a no-brainer.

Sunday: Big Walk. as a Committee member of Rentokil Initial's Newpaper big walk, had to reach super early - 5AM. *grumbles* Prepared bubble guns, bubble machines, distribute songsheets, take care of the 4 hand & 1 soap dispenser mascots...*bleah* Ooh, and I walked the 10km with my family and dennis (botak). My 1st Big walk! Downside is the major crowd squeezing..and... that I didn't win anything *groans*. Nope, not the nissan car either. sigh. After it ended, I went to Animals Resort at Seletar Farmway 5; met my ex who's working there (ystday was his last day), as well as goats, ponies, baby peacocks, quails, iguana, rabbits, cats, puppies-pug, schnauzer, shetland sheepdog, bischon frise, tzih tsu, etc, and HUGE DOGS like GERMAN SHEPHERDS!!! haha. Guess which I Liked best? I just had so much albeit the fatigue, that I was almost late to catch The DaVinci Code with Jack in the evening.

And so thus ends my lovely hectic weekend. *breathes out* So jam-packed. So exciting. Thank goodness my double-booking worked out fine. But I missed out on a buffet lunch with my colleagues when I went to the Pet Farm. oh well, I'm too fat now anyway...and I had so much fun cradling all the puppies... *awwwww*

And 2 things I want to comment just before I sign off--
1. Pugs are so cute and so unbelieveably friskily Active! *eyes widen* amazing. I really had no idea, coz he was so docile in the cage and when I carried him...*scurry scurry* he's on an all-time adrenalin high!


jan tiptoed in at 11:24 PM

Friday, May 12

Wow, new post! ahhahaa...alright alright, 2nd, 3rd and 4th person to complain/prode/hint bout my lack of entries --janet, terrence and huiqing, Arigato! (: need a push now and then to blog something, don't have that habit like i used to!

Just an update, but u probably already know, I've currently been busy checking UK unis, fretting over the limited 6 choices I am entitled to, the impending dateline whereby my referral has yet to be done by my ex tutor/lecturer.. *sigh* I'm quite kanchiong, quite anxious but at the same time, I don't want to be too caught up coz the greated the expectation, the greater my disappointment would be if it fails. :

Had a great time out last night. Hung out with my colleagues at this newly opened bar at circular rd, and it was their opening night. JAB1, owned by my Sales Mgr's friend. But it was boring..and so we switched to Devil's bar around midnight. My SM stayed though, coz..the waitresses are pretty. *laughs*

Devil's Bar had a live band act, good singing but the music never really took off to serious grooving. Techno in the other dance bar was not my thing so we stuck to the band and kinda just bumped to the music. And then... there was this weird fat guy on my other side that started gazing at us and...*ugh* . Creepy. And then it got Worse. I was holding my drink, and he just poured more into mine from the bottle. I don't even know him. Later on, when the others were dancing, I went to get my glass, he appeared out of nowhere, tapped my shoulder and started following me. Major creep! what'd I do? Immediately I ran..*phew* Luckily I had some friends to merge in with. Drunkard. yucks.

Thankfully after the band, the DJ spun some great R & B music; had a fantastic time groovin'. Alcohol kinda loosened me up a little, so I relaxed and danced more freely, till some guys started closing in a little too much. Strangers bumping against me just irks me, so I had to move off. But had tons of fun. 1 of the girls repeatedly asked me to go up the platform but I don't have the guts for that. With that pole up there..and quirky, weird guys who'll gaze at u, grab ur legs...uh uh. *rolls eyes* no way. I'm no wild child, just a fun-loving girl!

In all, 1st experience at a club was fun. If huiqing didn't have a curfew? perhaps we could be bumping to the music with moves from our class! The 2 girls have asked me out again and hey, I'm a super -saving working class girl. Maybe some other time. Can't club and drink so often, I'll be messed up!

And. The most surprising bit was that Mom & Dad...were totally Okay with me going clubbing! (: I told her that at least my colleagues do club, so I'll be safe with them, rather than with like..another innocent 1st-time like me.

But on another night when I'm free and all, plus a great club with R & B music, I might just pop by. Yup. Definitely a possibility ( :

jan tiptoed in at 8:47 AM